Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Fifteen Movie Questions Memea

1. Movie you love with a passion.
"Howl's Moving Castle"  I still laugh and get all starry eyed when I see it. 

2. Movie you vow to never watch.
"Marley & Me".  I have lost enough pets, I don't need to lose a fictional one.  Whatever happened to movies about dogs that didn't end in them dying? 

3. Movie that literally left you speechless.
"Dark Water" but it wasn't a good thing.  I liked that book so much ...

4. Movie you always recommend.
Hmmm... probably "The Others"

5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie.
There is no one that I *always watch", but the closest I come to that is watching Cillian Murphy. 

6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for.
Brad Pitt.  He always had sleazy, greasy feeling to me.

7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you’d love to meet.
Alan Rickman.  He's very talented, smart, and cultured.  I think, that could be a good time.

8. Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!)
Cilliam Murphy.  I guess, that really shows my type, 

9. Dream cast.
Cillian Murphy, Billy Zane (with hair!), Michael Biehn, Jason Isaacs, and some actress....

10. Favorite actor pairing.
Michael Biehn and Sigourney Weaver

11. Favorite movie setting.
A lot of my favorties are filmed either in the UK or in New Zealand. 

12. Favorite decade for movies.
The 1980s, though the 1990s were great too.  Then, they started remaking the movies that I loved from the 80s...

13. Chick flick or action movie?
Action.  I really don't care for most chick flicks.  They're repetitive and are completely centered around a relationship that (in almost all cases), you know is going to succeed, as if it is a "will they or won't they?" way.  Don't insult my intelligence.

14. Hero, villain or anti-hero?
I'm a sucker for a good anti-hero.

15. Black and white or color?
 Black and white can be great, but I prefer color (though I do not my favorite black and whites remade to be color).

I stole this from Sunday Stealing

1 comment:

  1. I really like The Others too! It is one of the few movies in which I actually like Nicole Kidman. I like your dream cast! Though I prefer Billy Zane without hair. lol
