Thursday, July 28, 2011

My not feeling well is your getting a pointless survey.

1. If the moon were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?

Morey Amsterdam!  Yeah, I have no idea, but it would be cool if it did look like him.

2. What's a ghost to you?

I do believe in ghosts, and I think, they are two types.  First, I think, there are some cases where a soul is trapped on Earth (for what is likely a myriad of reasons), sometimes being in contact with the living world, sometimes not.  

Second, is what I believe to be the more common type -- psychic impressions.  These are the type that don't interact with the living world but just exist.  This includes ghosts who speak to people, touch them, move objects, etc.  It is caused when something occurs that causes a deep emotional reaction in the people in the area (e.g. a war, murder, etc.) or is so repetitive that it wears a track in the area (like a groove on a record.  This includes hearing the movement of an elderly lady who lived in a house for sixty years or listening to the boot falls circle your house, from the soldier that spent years walking the same patrol in the area.

3. If you had to do anything with your sworn enemy, what would it be?

I don't have a sworn enemy.  :(  I wish I had one.   If I could do anything, I'd have a big, city destroying slug fight with mutual super powers.  I call the ability to pull out my bones as weapons and flicking explosive blood!  They can be like Aquaman...

4. Oh no, Marge Simpson got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say to the aliens to get her back?

Can you really imagine listening to that voice for years?  If you're Ok with it, ask her to sing for you, and then get back to me. 

5. Have you ever had lunch together with your neighbor?

No, I've actually never done anything with my neighbors.  Before our health and neighborhood went to pot, I used to like to hang out in the back yard with the dogs; and I'd talk a lot to my neighbors.  I miss that.  The only thing even close to that is looking in on the neighbor's dog when they're out of town.

6. If you had to pick your own personal theme song, what would it be?

 It's a decent day, so I'll go with, "I'm Alive" by Becca. 

7. Describe what's sexy to you.

Andrew Eldritch.  Next!

Ha, no, really,  I am not big on guy's appearance; but decent style and taking care of himself (liking bathing, styling his hair, etc.) does win brownie points.  What do I find sexy?  Intelligence, kindness, caring, wit, a good sense of humor (but knows what is inappropriate to joke about), and things like that.  I love those modern knights in shining armor that want to sweep in and take care of you but are just as happy watching you seeing you take care of yourself.  Ah, why can't I find that guy...or Andrew Eldritch...

8. A vampire suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you do?

Make him my best friend.   If he knows all of that and hasn't killed me yet, he's the best friend I'll ever have. 

9. If had to have a role in a movie, what kind of character would you prefer to play?

I want to be that vigilante that is originally the villain but eventually shows the heroes that his way, though extreme, is what they really need.  

10. You have to read a coworker's (or friends) very personal diary. You pick the person. Who is it and why?

I don't know... I don't really think I would want to read anyone's diary.  I am afraid that I would find out something about them that would make me no longer want to be around them.  

I picked this up from Sunday Stealing:


  1. Morey would be fun. And the aliens can keep Marge as long as they want. :)

    Aren't these relaxing?

  2. These really are very relaxing. I'm so glad I followed your bread crumbs to find them. Thanks!
