Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Seriously Random Question Meme, Part 2

21. Have you ever had a garage sale?
Yes, but I'm not good at it.  I feel like people should pay what I put on the sticker.  When people want to haggle with me, I want to pelt them with acorns until they get off my lawn.  (We no longer have acorns or a lawn, so I'm safe.).

22. What color is your cell phone?

23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
It has been long enough that I have no clue, but I think it was a glass of champagne for New Year's Eve.

24. Are you happy right now?
Actually, I am.

25. Who came over to your house last?
Me! Ha!

26. Do you drink beer?
No, even when I drank alcohol, I wasn't a beer drinker.  I can only remember having one beer that wasn't one of those where I take a sip and give it to anyone else.  It was a Heineken.  The only reason I got it was that there was only beer on the open bar.

27. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
No, I look like a clone of my mother, so it would be difficult to sell.  Now, if they had told me I was a clone ...

28. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
I ... don't ... what?  None of my keys actually go to anything anymore.  The only reason I carry the chain is for the 473 store discount cards I have.

29. What was the last movie you watched at home?
I'm not sure, but it would have been on TCM.  Anytime someone is not specifically watching something, it is set to TCM.  The last one I chose was quite a bit ago when I watched, "Batman: Under the Red Hood."

30. What is in your pocket?
The only things I ever carry in my pockets are my phone, my bus ID for disabled fare, and tissues.

31. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife?
A mutual friend.  If I still were on speaking terms with the friend, I would not have good things to say to him.

32. Where do you hurt?
This is not a good question for me.  Let's just go with, "my body".

33. Has someone ever made you a build a bear?
Yes, I used to always complain that no one but my mother had ever given me anything for Valentine's Day -- even when I was dating someone.  A friend of mine went out and bought me a knight bear with a rose from B-a-B.  I love that bear.

34. What’s something fun you did today?

I went to see "Cowboys & Aliens" and went to the cheap buffet.

35. What is your favorite aisle at Target?
I don't usually go to Target.  The only reason I choose to go there is to go to the candy aisle for Halloween.  They have all kinds of goodies and doodads.

36. When is your birthday?

37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
I tried to hang some fuzzy dice, a couple strands of beads, and a picture of Andrew Eldritch; but the bus driver kept getting mad.

38. How many states in the US have you been to?
Uuuummmm....  Not counting the states I have flown over, I think, eighteen.

39. What kind of milk do you drink?
Almond, but I don't even drink that.  I tolerate it.  I am not a fan of milk.

40. What are you going to do after this?
Uh...  I have no idea.   Take a drink of my soda?  Wait ... I've already done that.  : /

1 comment:

  1. Uggg! Yard sales. There was something awful about people haggling for a nickel over my stuff. It pissed me off as well.
    And I always have TCM on at some point in the day :)
