Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Nasty 31 Meme, Part One

Courtesy of Sunday Stealing

1. What has been you longest love relationship?
Seven months, though it sure felt like seven years. 

2. What was the last gift that you received?
It's been a while.  Let's go with, Don got me a liter Coke by surprise. 

3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
I understand all of those words, but I've never heard them put together like that.  What is, "extra cash"?

4. If you could live anywhere would you live?
I would still like to give Las Vegas a try, but I wouldn't want to live there if I didn't have money.

5. Who's your cell provider?

6. What's your favorite mall store?
Hot Topic.  I know, it gets a lot of flak for being for mall goths only, but I like their stuff.

7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
It's a tie between being an optech and being a paralegal.  I don't want to think about how long it was.

8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?
My mother.

9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
Dental care, health care, getting a decent home for myself and my family, taking Bella to take fun training classes, etc.

10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
It has been a long time.  Transpiration and health have made it difficult.

11. What's the biggest lie that you've heard?
I don't want to go into that here, since it is likely just to end up in hurt feelings and a big argument.

12. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
We don't.

13. When was the last time that you cried?

14. What food do you hate?
Peas and sausage.

15. What do you like best about yourself?
My stubbornness has kept me alive through a lot.

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