Monday, August 1, 2011

The "It's All About Four Freakin' Things" Meme

Four Places I go:

1.   The doctor's office.

2.   The grocery store.

3.   The therapist's office.

4.   The movie theater (once a month)

Four Crushes I Have:

1.   Andrew Eldritch

2.  Cillian Murphy

3.  Alton Brown

4.  Ginko from "Mushi-shi"

Four Smells that I Love:

1.  Sandalwood

2.  Wood smoke

3.  Freshly mowed grass

4.  That autumn smell of falling leaves, the beginning of the cold winds, dried corn stalks, fall harvests, pumpkins on porches, and all of those kind of things.

Four Favorite TV Shows:

1.  When I did my TV blog, I forgot all about one of my very favorite shows ever.  How awesome is "Star Trek: Deep Space 9"?  It was the only thing that I watched when I was working all those hours at Citibank.

2.   "Chopped"

3.   "The Big Bang Theory"

4.  "Good Eats"

Four Favorite Movies:

1.  "Howl's Moving Castle"

2.   "Event Horizon"

3.   "Red Eye"

4.   "Batman Begins"

Four Recommendations:

1.   The Sisters of Mercy

2.   Feta Cheese

3.   Neopets

4.   DC Universe Online

Four People that I'd love to read their Fours:

1.  Katharine  (Did you do this one already?)

2.  Tracy

3.  Kelly

4.  Amber

Four Things about me that you don't know:
Ummm.. I know I did this on the blog, but I'm going to try my best to find something new.
1.  I have become so desensitized by watching horror films since I was four that I find it very hard to see anything in them as funny.  For this reason, I really like television and movies that I find scary. 

2.  I don't get my identification renewed until the bank starts to refuse to take it anymore.  I don't know why, but I find the whole thing very bothersome. 

3.  Several times in my life, we lost almost everything we owned, and as a result, I have to fight hoarding.  I keep feeling like I should keep anything we might be able to use.

4.  The first album (tape) I ever purchased on m own was Michael Jackson's "Thriller".

Four bands that I love:

1.  The Sisters of Mercy

2.  Creature Feature

3.  Cruxsadows

4.  The Damned

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