Monday, August 1, 2011

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 1 of 4.

 This is another stolen from Sunday Stealing

1. Which state do you consider to be the most boring state?
Maryland... because it is.  Except, it might be better in Baltimore... maybe.

2. If any chef from the Food Network (or any well known chef) could cater your wedding, who would it be?
Alton Brown, of course.  I don't know if he is used to making food for large groups (Ha! Large groups..), but I'd be willing to accept that to have Alton Brown at my wedding.  :D

3. What's the last thing you ate that was red?
Strawberries at the cheap buffet.

4. Have you ever questioned the sexuality orientation of a close friend?
No, but I did of one of the guy's I used to date.  I'm still not sure.

5. Everyone loses a friend after some big fight. Tell us about one.

6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
No, and I've never done that to my phone either.  The only thing I've ever left in my pockets were tissues and box cutters.

7. Have you ever screamed / yelled angrily at a boss?
Yes.  It was a manic thing, but he completely deserved it. I would do it all over again.  He was an idiot and his wife was a jerk, and they were both the boss; and they never knew what the other was doing.  I quit the next day.

8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

9. Have you ever regretted being in a relationship with someone?
Just the ones I've been in relationships with.

10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
Not exactly.  I am just so confused and lack much of attention span at all, so I've done a lot of that, "I heard most of that and am hoping I am responding properly..." thing. 

11. Have you ever thought soomeone must have been insane? If yes, tell us something about the person.
This one made me laugh out loud.  Let's just say, my mother's fiance has schizophrenia and I have Bipolar Disorder.  I've been in the psych ward twice, a psych hospital once, and I was in a partial hospitalization program for six months.  I've known several people who I've thought were insane.  Mostly, I was right.

12. Have you ever pretended to be younger than what you are?
No, I have always looked younger than I am (except for the last two years, maybe), and I fought to get people straight on things like my ability to go to R movies (seriously) and buying cigarettes for Mama & Don (They refused me two years ago.).  I don't need to make it worse.

13. Back in the day, did you ever cry because you were turned down for a date?
I was a very reclusive person and never discussed dating with anyone, until I was in college. In addition, I am retarded in the area of flirting, so I never approached anyone else about going out. 

14. Have you ever (or your significant other) had a pregnancy scare?
I've had a reproductive disease, since I was twelve; and it causes infertility.  Then, I hired a hit on them; and they were burned.  So, no.

15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?

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