Thursday, August 4, 2011

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, The Last Part

Another steal from Sunday Stealing

46. Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions, or better said: Bad Habits?
It's a daily challenge to do a little of both every day.  Challenge accepted!  Challenge usually failed...

47. Could you ever kill yourself to save someone else?
Yes, I doubt I would even think about it before doing so. 

48. Does it matter if break up with someone or have them dump you?
No, I feel just as bad either way. 

49. Would you rather have a turtle or a frog for a pet?
Turtle!  When I thought that things had a chance of getting better, I had planned to get a turtle when things got put together.

50. Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Miley Cyrus seems like a good kid, and I don't have a problen with her music.  In fact, I do enjoy her show from time to time.  On the other hand, I find Lady Gaga's music to be a dull rehash of what Madonna was better in the late 80s; and she seems to rely far to heavily on gimmicks to keep her name in the public eye.  If that weren't enough, with all of the rampant hunger in this country alone, I found it very tacky and unthoughtful of her to wear a dress made of meat to be wasted, when it could have been dinner for several families.  Had she chosen to wear a plain dress, shown what they had planned, but instead donated it to a homeless shelter; I would have been tremendously more impressed.

51. Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar?
I am trying a little bit to learn the guitar.  I really love it.  I'm just bad at it, and very little of the information sticks with me.

52. We're going back to the day. Where did you get your kicks?
I would usually just hang out with friends at my house or at my friends' house.  If we did go

53. What Asian country would you like to visit the most? Why?
Japan, see blog "J" in my "Hoisting Black Flags" blog.

54. Have you ever thought that a passer-by was the one (think James Blunt, here)?
Yes, but it just turned out to be one of my friends.

55. Ever told someone that your fake jewelery was really real?
No, I like my jewelery, regardless of what it is made of.

56. Where are the worst public restrooms?
In the 90s, the bathrooms at the 9:30 Club.  They even got mention in a magazine as being the worst public bathrooms in a club in the country.  It was like an indoor outhouse.

57. What song was the latest one that got overplayed really fast?
"Stand There and Watch Me Burn" by Eminem and Rihanna.  If one more person makes me listen to it to convince me that Eminem is good, I'm going to have to take someone down.

58. What Friends (American TV show from the 90s) character are you most like?
I had to take a test, and it says, I am most like Chandler

59. When's the last time you had a Popsicle?
I haven't really eaten a regular Popsicle for a long time, but I got one of those fruit bares a

60. What TV show from way back would you love to see reappear?
 I'd like to see a second generation of "The Facts of Life" with the original characters making appearances as parents,, teachers, etc. 

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