Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is a long blog to catch up on from Friday 5 August 19th to present Friday.  I'll try to be more prompt in the future, but I doubt it will work. It should be in five question segments, but I'm too tired and lazy to fight Word to not make them into one list. You may notice the theme changes ... and that they are in five questions...

01.  What was your most memorable alarm-clock failure?
I have to set two early alarms to take medication; and then, I set the alarm to get up.  One morning, I must have hit a lot of buttons, because I changed the time to about four and a half hours later than it was.  When I woke up, I called my doctor's office in a panic to apologize for not showing up.  This was when I found out that not only was it not the right time, it wasn't the right day.  o_O

02.  What item recently in the news do you find most alarming?
The second woman in Frederick County, MD that was hoarding and neglecting cats

03.  Of car alarms, burglar alarms, and smoke alarms, which do you consider most effective or useful?
Smoke alarms.  Although, I have had a problem with massively over sensitive smoke alarms (Mine went off whenever I used the toaster -- and I cleaned it obsessively.), they are responsible for saving lives from burning to death (which is near the top on the ways I wouldn't like to die).  Car alarms really don't do much other than frustrate all of your neighbors. 

Burglar alarms a nice, but they go off accidentally most of the time, and it causes the people monitoring them to become lazy.  I had a teacher whose mother died due to this.  She was an elderly woman who was home alone.  The house caught on fire, and she couldn't get out.  She hit the alarm panel on her security system, and all they did was call.  For those not aware, the protocol is that if the alarm goes off, the security center will call; and if it is a mistake, you give a security word,; and they let it go.  If you do not answer the phone, they are supposed to send emergency services to your home.  In that case, they were used to it being a mistake so often that they did nothing when she didn't answer the phone.  As a result, she burned to death. 

I think, often security systems lull people into a false sense of security, as if they are safe if they have it.  Not only do they run the risk of not having emergency care when they need it, they don't put as much effort into other, more simple, security tactics.

One more anecdote (for this question), I am bothered by people that fail to pay attention to basic protocols like not having large foliage outside your door and having proper lighting at your door.  I have heard a lot of people say things like, "Oh, I have my keys out; I'm fine" or "I'm a big, strong guy.  I'll be fine".  Well, in 1991, Henry Rollin was returning home with his best friend Joe Cole.  What they didn't know was that two gunman were lying in wait behind some bushes.  They ordered the men into the house; but as Rollins was unlocking the door, one of them panicked and shot Cole.  Rollins escaped by running out the back door of the house and going for help, while dodging bullets himself. 
This is Henry Rollins.
I don't know about you, but I'm not that big.  I'd rather take precautions.  I know, it makes me seem paranoid to have a weapon in every room of my house (even the bathroom), but I live alone, and I'm not taking any chances.

04.  If the shoplifting alarm is tripped as you exit a store, what do you do?
I stop and do the hands up thing and wait for an employee.

05.  If you owned some kind of personality alarm to warn you upon first meeting someone of likely trouble in the relationship, what would be five qualities you’d set it to detect?
A.  Liars
B.  Sex offenders
C.  People with disgusting habits who refuse to even attempt to change them, even when they know that it disgusts the people around them.  For example, when someone coughs or sneezes and doesn't bother to cover their face.  I think about the Dane Cook skit.  I instantly go from calm to angry and am like, "God bless you... which is God bless you, but it's kind of like cover your fuckin' mouth".  -_-
D  Must love animals, and if that person can't deal with pets, he doesn't need to be around me.
E  Those who lack compassion, especially for those with health problems.

06.  What kind of magnets do you have on your fridge?
Right now, I don't have a fridge.  I'm borrowing fridge use...  When I did (and will again) have a fridge, I had some oooold fruit magnets, one from The Dick van Dyke show, one from Candy Warehouse, and a plastic covered stamp of the Supreme Court building.

07.  What’s your preferred type of glue?
I like the stuff that comes in the plastic stick, like roll on deodorant, with the clear, liquid glue.

08.  When is it good to feel sticky?
I have to admit that I'm really uncomfortable with this question...  Uuuuuh.... when your killing spree is over, and your covered from head to toe in the blood of your enemies?  Yeah, I don't know...

09.  What was the last thing you wrote upon a Post-It?
I made a research note on the writing project.

10.  How much pancake syrup do you put on your pancakes?
Not much, unless I got to IHOP and use their pecan syrup.  Then, I just go to town!

11.  What were the circumstances surrounding your most embarrassing (physical) stumble?
I had to laugh at this.  I have chronic dizziness and vertigo, and I fall all the time.  I am very lucky that, for whatever reason, I barely bruise or swell.  Also, despite having some osteoporosis, I have never broken a bone.  I did compress my chin and my right ulna in ways that should have been very bad, but I don't break things.

Ok, so the fall...  That would likely be the most recent fall, about three days ago.  I stood up; took a step; lost my balance, stumbled across the room, knocking over everything on the way, before landing face down on the floor with the laundry hamper on top of me.  This wasn't a particularly embarrassing fall (I've done worse.), but after I fell, I had a little tantrum.  I laid on the floor yelling, "DAMN IT!!" and fighting with the hamper.  I wish someone had it on tape.  That had to be hilarious.

12.  As summer winds down and autumn makes its approach, what are you most looking forward to in the changing of the seasons?
I love everything about autumn and Halloween, so I am set.  Also, I love when it is still warm during the day, without the burning heat of summer.

13.  What’s something you’ve recently fallen for?
The new bus transit point.  I wanted to hate it, but it really is much nicer than the pigeon poo covered benches under the overpass.  It even makes me walk through a safer part of the neighborhood.  We'll see when winter gets here though.  It has no wind breaks, like the underpass did.

14.  Of what has there been a shortfall in your life recently?
My medical insurance, my housing, and money.

15.  Has there been any kind of windfall in your life in the past few months?
Last month, I thought that I might have to forgo my monthly obligation (going to a movie and the cheap buffet).  Then, I found $40.  That's the only time that kind of thing has happened to me, and I felt very blessed.

16.  When you’re having trouble staying awake, what are some things you do to make sure you don’t drift off to sleep?
Jiggling my legs, I guess.  I'm not very good at combating fatigue.  Also, I complain.  Complaining helps. 

17.  What’s most likely to cause you a prolonged period of not enough sleep?
Stress is a big factor, but I'll have to go with Bipolar mania.

18.  When you’re going through a prolonged period of not enough sleep, what parts of your daily routine are likely to change, and how?

I rarely ate, lost track of days, couldn't focus, , fell more often, had more problems with my vision, and I became addicted to YouTube.

19.  Who in your life seems regularly to have not enough sleep?
My mother, her fiance Don, and Bella (my doggy daughter).  None of us sleep well.

20.  In what ways does your personality change when you go through a prolonged period of not enough sleep?
I am nervous, I lose what little patience I have, and I laugh at inappropriate moments.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The 31 Meme, Part Two: In Memory of Clyde

 Courtesy of Sunday Stealing

16. What's the longest shift that you worked at a job?
I used to work twelve hour shifts at the optical store and at the portrait studio, but I once worked both jobs for eight hours each, picked up a shift at a third job (eight hours), and then went back to the portrait studio for another shift (eight hours).  I think, I must have been having a manic episode to be able to work thirty-two hours straight, only eating two Auntie Anne's pretzels (mmmm.... Auntie Anne's pretzels...).  Or I may have been on  crack.  Either way, I don't remember much after the first sixteen hours ...

17. What was the last concert that you attended?

The Sisters of Mercy!  Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

18. What the last DVD (or Blu Ray, of course) movie that you watched?
I'm watching "The Mummy" right now, but it's on VHS.  I think, the last DVD was"Spirited Away".

19. How did you like the film?
I really like "The Mummy", but I love "Spirited Away".

20. What comedian do you love?
Paula Poundstone

21. Do you ever sleep in the nude?
No, I'm always afraid someone will walk in and see me; even when I live alone.

22. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
Does the one I have with my family count?

23. What do you think of astrology?
It is an interesting prospect that seems to have much wisdom within it.  I don't hold stock in horoscopes though.

24. What's you're favorite lyric quote from a song?
I don't have a favorite...  From the song I'm listening to right now, I really like, "And in this moment, I will not run; it is my place to stand.  We few shall carry hope, within our bloodied hands."  Ten points if you know the song...

25. Tell us something random about yourself.
Uuuuum...My wallpaper is a black and white depiction of the Alabasta salute from "One Piece" with the quote, "From now on, no matter what happens, this symbol on our left arm shall forever the sign of our friendship."

26. Have ever attended a theme party? If yes, do tell.
Yes, I went to Disney World when I was in fourth grade.  It was a lot of fun.

27. What is your favorite thing about winter?
Good gosh!  Have you never heard what I have to say about winter??  I suppose, I like the way it gets so quiet at night that the quiet is almost a living thing.  That just reminds me of the episode of "Mushi-shi" where the little boy had the mushi living in his ears for that very reason...

28. What was the name of your first pet?
Tinkerbell (we called her Tinker), a border collie mix.

29. What have you done so far this weekend?
The same thing we do every weekend, Pinky.  Sit around the house with the computer on my lap.

30. Has your humor ever been called “sick”?
No, but it has been called dark.

31. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
Good health ... or a free dentist. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Five, August 12

01.  What could serve as physical evidence that you sometimes lose focus?
The piles of organized things -- just things.

02/  What could serve as physical evidence that you are loved?
My mother and my dog still love me, despite the fact that I can be a real jackass.

03.  What could serve as physical evidence that you’re from wherever you’re from?
Sweet tea, tomato slaw, Carolina BBQ, and a slight raising of the hackles at the word "yankee".

What could serve as physical evidence that you went anywhere this past week?
... my next appointment scheduled in my date book...?  Yeah, that's pretty much it.

what could serve as physical evidence that you recently caved in to temptation?
02Courtesy of  Friday 5.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Stupid Evil Bastard Meme

 Let's hear it for Sunday Stealing!

1. What time did you get up this morning?
It wasn't in the morning.  I was sick all day and didn't get up until early evening.

2. How do you like your steak?
Pittsburgh rare (charred to black on the outside, rare on the inside).  If I can't get that, I'll happily take a medium rare.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
"Cowboys & Aliens"

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Current:  That's difficult, but I think, it's probably "Chopped".  All time:  "Star Trek:  Deep Space 9"

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Anywhere?  I'm going to assume that I don't have to worry about things like money, transportation, and doctors.  I'm not sure, but I'd love to look into some places like Hawaii, California, Ireland, and Japan.

6. What did you have for breakfast?
I had a bowl of cereal, but it was at night.  That's pretty much been it today. 

7. What is your favorite cuisine?
I love so many kinds of food, but if I had to pick one, I'd go with Greek.  It utilizes some of my favorite things; like feta, spinach, tomatoes, flat breads, olive oil, and garlic.  Now that I typed that, I'm really craving all of the above. 

8. What foods do you dislike?
Peas; sausages; anything with organs, skin, and blood; and pickle relish.  As well, I find chocolate overwhelming, and I have to be in the mood for it at all.

9. Favorite Place to Eat?
There's this place in Alexandria, called Taverna Cretekou, and they're incredible.  Their food is delicious, and their staff are so nice.  Locally, I like to go to Rhubarb house for lunch when I have a few extra dollars.  It's cute, the food is good, and it's pretty inexpensive.  Where I usually go is Golden Carroll.  It's right by the movie theater, and it's a cheap buffet.  I go once a month as my mandatory excursion. 

10. Favorite dressing?
Fresh Greek dressing.  Failing that, I'll take any old oil and vinegar based dressing.

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive?
I ride the bus. 

12. What are your favorite clothes?
A tie between my fancy black velvet coat and my Cheongsam, both present from my mother. 

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
I would love to get an RV with a friend and visit all of the continental states, parts of Canada, Alaska, and Mexico.  Then, I'd love to hit Hawaii, Australia, Japan, Egypt, Greece, and then travel around Europe (going as far over as Ireland). 

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
1/2 full... of poison.

15. Where would you want to retire?
Points at above responses :: point, point ::.  I'm cool with "not Hagerstown" though.

16. Favorite time of day?
Late at night

17. Where were you born?
In a hospital.... Ok, in a hospital in North Carolina.

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
Women's gymnastics and men's pro beach volleyball.

19. Who do you think will never call you again?
I don't want to answer that, because I find it too immediately upsetting.

20. Person you expect to call you next?
Some doctor's office telling me to be somewhere.  >:(

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to Stealing?
I don't really know that many people well enough to say, but I always enjoy reading Katharine's posts.

22. Bird watcher?
Not officially, but when I see one, I love to watch it.  :P

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Why must you ask this when you have already asked what time of day I like best?  : /  You vex me.

24. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have an adorable, chunky, little Toy Fox Terrier; named Isabella Ladybug.  We call her Bella.

25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share?

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
I wrote a whole blog about that earlier, but it's gone now.... I think, the first thing I was serious about becoming was a parapsychologist.

27. What is your best childhood memory?

28. Are you a cat or dog person?

29. Are you married?

30. Always wear your seat belt?
Yes, even on the bus.

31. Been in a car accident?
I was in a bit of one.  A friend of mine was driving me home, and a deer jumped out in the road.   He drove around and around, trying to miss it, but the deer finally leaped onto the car.  It smashed the car up, and it jarred the heck out my back; but no one was injured.  We had to wait by the side of the road in freezing cold in the middle of the night, but it turned out Ok.  I'm just grateful for the fact that my friend was such a good driver.

32. Any pet peeves?
Please keep the contents of your body to yourself.  Don't pee on the seat and leave, don't not wash your hands and hit the light switch, don't talk with your mouth full of food and flap your spit at me, don't sneeze and cough and just let things fly where they may ... you get the idea.  It's nasty.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
Feta and spinach

34. Favorite Flower?
Orchids and snapdragons

35. Favorite ice cream?
Green tea and Dulce Delicious from Ben & Jerry's

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Chick-fil-a locally, BoJangles in general

37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
Never!  I only took it once, and then, I never got the license.
38. Who did you get your last email from?

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
Borders -- one of the big ones, like they have in DC.

40. Do anything spontaneous lately?
No, everything has been every overworked lately.

41. Like your job?
No, it really sucks.  I don't know why I ever decided that going to the doctor and being sick was such a good idea.  Give me a scrub job at McDonald's any day.

42. Broccoli?
Yes, please.

43. What was your favorite vacation?
Though I loved my trip to Las Vegas, my favorite was a trip to Ocean City, MD by way of DC that I took with my mother, older sister, and two friends.  We were going to get school clothes and then decided to use the last two days before school to go to the beach.  We had such a good time, got sunburned, staid in a flea bag motel, played on the board walk, and had such a good time.  I miss that period in my life before everything became so serious and "don't cross my line in the sand". 

44. Last person you went out to dinner with?
I don't remember past it being me.  It was probably a friend and his family though.

45. What are you listening to right now?
I'm watching the Skypiea story arc of "One Piece" with my mother (She's seeing it for the first time.), so I'm listening to that.

46. What is your favorite color?
Purple ... then charcoal grey and black.

47. How many tattoos do you have?
None, I'm still mulling that whole thing over.

48. How many times have you tagged someone to do a meme?
There are a few people I've tagged for five or six memes.

49. What time did you finish this meme?
3:14 am
50. Coffee Drinker?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Nasty 31 Meme, Part One

Courtesy of Sunday Stealing

1. What has been you longest love relationship?
Seven months, though it sure felt like seven years. 

2. What was the last gift that you received?
It's been a while.  Let's go with, Don got me a liter Coke by surprise. 

3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
I understand all of those words, but I've never heard them put together like that.  What is, "extra cash"?

4. If you could live anywhere would you live?
I would still like to give Las Vegas a try, but I wouldn't want to live there if I didn't have money.

5. Who's your cell provider?

6. What's your favorite mall store?
Hot Topic.  I know, it gets a lot of flak for being for mall goths only, but I like their stuff.

7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
It's a tie between being an optech and being a paralegal.  I don't want to think about how long it was.

8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?
My mother.

9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
Dental care, health care, getting a decent home for myself and my family, taking Bella to take fun training classes, etc.

10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
It has been a long time.  Transpiration and health have made it difficult.

11. What's the biggest lie that you've heard?
I don't want to go into that here, since it is likely just to end up in hurt feelings and a big argument.

12. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
We don't.

13. When was the last time that you cried?

14. What food do you hate?
Peas and sausage.

15. What do you like best about yourself?
My stubbornness has kept me alive through a lot.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Sunset Meme

Another great from Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite Mexican dish?

I love a lot of dishes, but it is probably a toss up between chicken enchiladas and beef tacos. 

2. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate?
My mother allowed us to play until dinner most of the time, and then, we had to do our homework.  Most of the time though, I would start it on the bus rid home (nearly 45 minutes) and finish what was left when I got home.  In high school, it was at our leisure.

3. What is your favorite store for home furnishings?
I like Pier 1 and Wolf's.

4. When you were young, did you like school lunches?
They served their purpose.  I don't really remember looking forward to anything in partiicular, except maybe their standard chili and those peanut butter things that were kind of like fudge. 

5. Is religion a crutch?
No, I think it takes much more strength and courage to continue to carry your cross than if you just get to make up what you want as you get along.

6. In your region, what is the “big” high school sport?
I guess, football.  I really have no clue though.

7. Do you consider yourself rich?
You're new to this freaks how, aren't you?

8. Which of these would you have the best chance administering:

B) Heimlich Maneuver
C) Changing a flat tire

None of the above, though I know the basics of all three.  I need to get re-certified when things come down some year.

9. Which dance would you prefer to learn & why:

A) Salsa
B) Hip Hop
C) Waltz
D) Swing

I know the basics of the Waltz,  but I have always wanted to learn how to swing dance.

10. What’s the worst news you’ve ever delivered to someone?
I had to tell my friends that our mutual friend was in jail for killing his wife.

11. Name something you learned in college that had nothing to do with classes or academics.
Those weird flavors of chips -- steak and onion, dill pickle, etc. -- aren't so bad. 

12. New variation on an old question: If there’s a song in your head that just won’t get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) linThe in that song?
"You're not the only one refusing to go down.  You're not the only one, so get up.'

My first Friday 5.

 These questions brought to you by Friday 5.

01.  What’s something you recently learned how to do on a computer?
Begin to edit video.

02.  What’s something you recently learned in the kitchen?
This has been a real slump.  I've got nothing.

03.  What’s something you recently learned about the town where you live?
We have an organic pet food store.  Who would have suspected?

04.  What’s something you recently learned from television?
Anyone in a long black coat with a cloud pattern on it is up to no good.  Never look them in the eye, let them taste your blood, accept something that was spit out of their hand, let their tale hit you, etc.  It all leads to no good.

05.  What’s something you recently learned the hard way?
 Trust no one.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, The Last Part

Another steal from Sunday Stealing

46. Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions, or better said: Bad Habits?
It's a daily challenge to do a little of both every day.  Challenge accepted!  Challenge usually failed...

47. Could you ever kill yourself to save someone else?
Yes, I doubt I would even think about it before doing so. 

48. Does it matter if break up with someone or have them dump you?
No, I feel just as bad either way. 

49. Would you rather have a turtle or a frog for a pet?
Turtle!  When I thought that things had a chance of getting better, I had planned to get a turtle when things got put together.

50. Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Miley Cyrus seems like a good kid, and I don't have a problen with her music.  In fact, I do enjoy her show from time to time.  On the other hand, I find Lady Gaga's music to be a dull rehash of what Madonna was better in the late 80s; and she seems to rely far to heavily on gimmicks to keep her name in the public eye.  If that weren't enough, with all of the rampant hunger in this country alone, I found it very tacky and unthoughtful of her to wear a dress made of meat to be wasted, when it could have been dinner for several families.  Had she chosen to wear a plain dress, shown what they had planned, but instead donated it to a homeless shelter; I would have been tremendously more impressed.

51. Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar?
I am trying a little bit to learn the guitar.  I really love it.  I'm just bad at it, and very little of the information sticks with me.

52. We're going back to the day. Where did you get your kicks?
I would usually just hang out with friends at my house or at my friends' house.  If we did go

53. What Asian country would you like to visit the most? Why?
Japan, see blog "J" in my "Hoisting Black Flags" blog.

54. Have you ever thought that a passer-by was the one (think James Blunt, here)?
Yes, but it just turned out to be one of my friends.

55. Ever told someone that your fake jewelery was really real?
No, I like my jewelery, regardless of what it is made of.

56. Where are the worst public restrooms?
In the 90s, the bathrooms at the 9:30 Club.  They even got mention in a magazine as being the worst public bathrooms in a club in the country.  It was like an indoor outhouse.

57. What song was the latest one that got overplayed really fast?
"Stand There and Watch Me Burn" by Eminem and Rihanna.  If one more person makes me listen to it to convince me that Eminem is good, I'm going to have to take someone down.

58. What Friends (American TV show from the 90s) character are you most like?
I had to take a test, and it says, I am most like Chandler

59. When's the last time you had a Popsicle?
I haven't really eaten a regular Popsicle for a long time, but I got one of those fruit bares a

60. What TV show from way back would you love to see reappear?
 I'd like to see a second generation of "The Facts of Life" with the original characters making appearances as parents,, teachers, etc. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 3

This is brought to you courtesy of Sunday Stealing

31. What is your absolute favorite dessert?

I don't really have one.  I changes with the day.  I d love fresh Boston cream cake, Raspverry French style cheesecake, green tea ice cream with fresh whipped cream  -- there are many.

32. What can someone do to make you smile, no matter what?
Compliment my dog.

33. What do the hip people think of you? 
 Usually, nothing n

34. What was the last gift you bought someone?
I got my mother a bottle of perfume and a new mouse for her computer, for Mother's

35.  What was your favorite class in high school?
A tie between English and Art.

36. How many spouses would be about right?

37. What would you say was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

I have no idea.  My life has been a series of them.  I would tell you about the most recent one, but I don't want to talk about it.  That wound is still too fresh.

38. Have you ever donate money to charity?
Whenever I can, which is not often, I donate to the local animal shelters.  I have also donated to the local homeless shelter to help provide Thanksgiving dinner for them. 
39. Has porn ever had a positive place in a current or recent relationship?

40. Would you ever dump the one you're with for someone who makes an obvious play and is MUCH hotter?
No, I don't take relationships lightly.  If I am looking for another man, I will have left the relationship first.  I don't really have a lot of respect for people who dump the guy they are with to give the new guy a try.

41. Have you ever disowned one of your relatives?

Kind of, well ...  Yeah. 

42. Would you think it's OK to cheat on someone if they've already cheated on you?
Absolutely not.  If you do the same thing, it by no means makes it Ok, because he did it first.  If you are in a situation where you think that vengeance cheating is the best idea, you seriously need to consider ending the relationship.  Even if, by some miracle it does help the relationship,; one or both people will carry a resentment about the others affair. 

43. Did you ever consider being a teacher?
Yes, but it is probably for the best that I didn't.
44. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
I would if I absolutely had to do, but I would be walking tall and carrying a big stick.

45. Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?

I would if it were for a good reason.

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 2

 This blog courtesy of Sunday Stealing

16. What was the last thing you did that was totally selfish, yet you feel no guilt?
I played with Bella.  That was a hard question, since I feel guilty for almost everything.

17. Tell us about a film fave of yours that we probably have not seen.
Er... "Pandorum"?  

18. When was the last time you kissed someone that you shouldn't have on the lips?
The last time I was dating.  Boy was I gullible.
19. When was the last time you cooked something for someone not in your family?
A month or two ago. 

20. When was the last time you danced like a crazy person?
A few years ago, when we went to see Cruxshadows.  I danced with a drunk girl to "Vision Thing".  

21. When was the last time you just wanted to be invisible?
Almost every day.

22. When was the last time you got a gift you absolutely hated?
I got a really weird item in the mail last year that had no slip to say who sent it.  It went right in the trash.

23. When was the last time you got into a physical fight? (If NEVER, let us know about a time that you got close to a fight.)
I never gotten into a real fight, because I don't fight back, unless I have to.  It is easier to get out of the situation.  The only time I can really think of where I almost got into a physical fight was when someone smacked Snapdragon on the butt for grumping at Elvis.

24. When was the last time you had to sleep with a light on?
That happens more than I am happy with, but it isn't my choice.  I use one of those sleep masks.

25. When was the last time you were under some serious stress?
Ha!  Every single day of the last year, getting worse and worse, until I am in this position.  Now, it feels like being in a pressure cooker.

26. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie?
A few months ago,  My copy is packed, but I found a place to watch it online.

27. What song did you most recently downloaded?
"I predict a riot" by the Kaiser Chiefs.

28. What would you say is your favorite hobby?

29. What is your favorite thing to do when you hang out with friends?
Watch movies 

30. What would you rather do: shower or bathe with that celebrity that you are crushing on?

That's kind of a queer question that I'd rather not answer. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 1 of 4.

 This is another stolen from Sunday Stealing

1. Which state do you consider to be the most boring state?
Maryland... because it is.  Except, it might be better in Baltimore... maybe.

2. If any chef from the Food Network (or any well known chef) could cater your wedding, who would it be?
Alton Brown, of course.  I don't know if he is used to making food for large groups (Ha! Large groups..), but I'd be willing to accept that to have Alton Brown at my wedding.  :D

3. What's the last thing you ate that was red?
Strawberries at the cheap buffet.

4. Have you ever questioned the sexuality orientation of a close friend?
No, but I did of one of the guy's I used to date.  I'm still not sure.

5. Everyone loses a friend after some big fight. Tell us about one.

6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
No, and I've never done that to my phone either.  The only thing I've ever left in my pockets were tissues and box cutters.

7. Have you ever screamed / yelled angrily at a boss?
Yes.  It was a manic thing, but he completely deserved it. I would do it all over again.  He was an idiot and his wife was a jerk, and they were both the boss; and they never knew what the other was doing.  I quit the next day.

8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

9. Have you ever regretted being in a relationship with someone?
Just the ones I've been in relationships with.

10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
Not exactly.  I am just so confused and lack much of attention span at all, so I've done a lot of that, "I heard most of that and am hoping I am responding properly..." thing. 

11. Have you ever thought soomeone must have been insane? If yes, tell us something about the person.
This one made me laugh out loud.  Let's just say, my mother's fiance has schizophrenia and I have Bipolar Disorder.  I've been in the psych ward twice, a psych hospital once, and I was in a partial hospitalization program for six months.  I've known several people who I've thought were insane.  Mostly, I was right.

12. Have you ever pretended to be younger than what you are?
No, I have always looked younger than I am (except for the last two years, maybe), and I fought to get people straight on things like my ability to go to R movies (seriously) and buying cigarettes for Mama & Don (They refused me two years ago.).  I don't need to make it worse.

13. Back in the day, did you ever cry because you were turned down for a date?
I was a very reclusive person and never discussed dating with anyone, until I was in college. In addition, I am retarded in the area of flirting, so I never approached anyone else about going out. 

14. Have you ever (or your significant other) had a pregnancy scare?
I've had a reproductive disease, since I was twelve; and it causes infertility.  Then, I hired a hit on them; and they were burned.  So, no.

15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?

The "It's All About Four Freakin' Things" Meme

Four Places I go:

1.   The doctor's office.

2.   The grocery store.

3.   The therapist's office.

4.   The movie theater (once a month)

Four Crushes I Have:

1.   Andrew Eldritch

2.  Cillian Murphy

3.  Alton Brown

4.  Ginko from "Mushi-shi"

Four Smells that I Love:

1.  Sandalwood

2.  Wood smoke

3.  Freshly mowed grass

4.  That autumn smell of falling leaves, the beginning of the cold winds, dried corn stalks, fall harvests, pumpkins on porches, and all of those kind of things.

Four Favorite TV Shows:

1.  When I did my TV blog, I forgot all about one of my very favorite shows ever.  How awesome is "Star Trek: Deep Space 9"?  It was the only thing that I watched when I was working all those hours at Citibank.

2.   "Chopped"

3.   "The Big Bang Theory"

4.  "Good Eats"

Four Favorite Movies:

1.  "Howl's Moving Castle"

2.   "Event Horizon"

3.   "Red Eye"

4.   "Batman Begins"

Four Recommendations:

1.   The Sisters of Mercy

2.   Feta Cheese

3.   Neopets

4.   DC Universe Online

Four People that I'd love to read their Fours:

1.  Katharine  (Did you do this one already?)

2.  Tracy

3.  Kelly

4.  Amber

Four Things about me that you don't know:
Ummm.. I know I did this on the blog, but I'm going to try my best to find something new.
1.  I have become so desensitized by watching horror films since I was four that I find it very hard to see anything in them as funny.  For this reason, I really like television and movies that I find scary. 

2.  I don't get my identification renewed until the bank starts to refuse to take it anymore.  I don't know why, but I find the whole thing very bothersome. 

3.  Several times in my life, we lost almost everything we owned, and as a result, I have to fight hoarding.  I keep feeling like I should keep anything we might be able to use.

4.  The first album (tape) I ever purchased on m own was Michael Jackson's "Thriller".

Four bands that I love:

1.  The Sisters of Mercy

2.  Creature Feature

3.  Cruxsadows

4.  The Damned

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Seriously Random Question Meme, Part 3

41. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
Hum hum hmmm... Sadly, it has been so long that I don't remember.  I guess, it was just me, myself, and I.

42. What is something you need to go shopping for?
I went to the store today to get the only things I could think of that I needed.  I guess, this week, I'll probably go shopping for medication, but that hardly seems like mentioning.

43. Do you have the same first name as one of your relatives?

44. What kind of car do (did) your parents drive?
We drive a bus or a cab. 

45. Are you rich?

46. If you could spend one intimate night with a celebrity, no questions asked, never to see them again, who would it be?
Gee, *that is* a hard question...  :: think, think, think ::  Oh yeeeeah!  Andrew Eldritch, thank you.


48. What famous person do you look like? Feel free to use this facial match program by clicking here. Show us at least the celeb photo.
According to the site, I have a 58.89% similarity with Daryl Hannah.  I'm not sure I like that.  : /

49. What is the most daring thing you've done recently?
I haven't really don much that is daring recently.  Oh, other than looking in on the crabby dog next door that bit me earlier.

50. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. Would you pass or fail?

Well, since I have neither a uterus or ovaries, if it came back positive, I would have to wonder what alien was using me as a host and why it would set off a pregnancy test.

51. Which sex scandal of the last decade bothers you the most?
They all bother me.  I don't need to know every person all of the celebrity

52. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Yes, I do, sadly.  A friend of mine killed another friend of mine. 

53. What are your plans (or what have you done) for this weekend?
Well, this is Sunday night/ Monday morning.  This weekend, I went to see "Cowboys & Aliens" and went to the cheap buffet.  It was pretty cool.

54. Have you ever woken up and not know where you were?
Yes, that used to happen to me a lot. 

55. What were you doing at midnight last night??
Watching "Bleach" and wondering why we were still in Hueco Mundo

56. Last restaurant you went to?
Golden Carroll

57. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
I actually got eight hours, which was rare for me.

58. Which is more distracting: Sexting while driving or sex while driving?
They are both retarded ideas, but I'm guessing sex would be more distracting.  I am saying "guess", because I have never done that and never would.

59. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Besides those in the room?  I don't know, but if they are, it's at most a 50/50 chance that it's good thoughts.

60. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
Yes, we used to go swim in the river when we were young; and there was nowhere to change but in the car.  Everyone else did the same thing.

60 1/2. If you haven't "liked" us (WTIT) on facebook and would like to, click here. Thanks, friends!
Shameless self promotion!  No thank you.  I'm already following you here, and I hate redundant  messages.

The Seriously Random Question Meme, Part 2

21. Have you ever had a garage sale?
Yes, but I'm not good at it.  I feel like people should pay what I put on the sticker.  When people want to haggle with me, I want to pelt them with acorns until they get off my lawn.  (We no longer have acorns or a lawn, so I'm safe.).

22. What color is your cell phone?

23. What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
It has been long enough that I have no clue, but I think it was a glass of champagne for New Year's Eve.

24. Are you happy right now?
Actually, I am.

25. Who came over to your house last?
Me! Ha!

26. Do you drink beer?
No, even when I drank alcohol, I wasn't a beer drinker.  I can only remember having one beer that wasn't one of those where I take a sip and give it to anyone else.  It was a Heineken.  The only reason I got it was that there was only beer on the open bar.

27. Have your brothers or sisters ever told you that you were adopted?
No, I look like a clone of my mother, so it would be difficult to sell.  Now, if they had told me I was a clone ...

28. What is your favorite key on your key chain?
I ... don't ... what?  None of my keys actually go to anything anymore.  The only reason I carry the chain is for the 473 store discount cards I have.

29. What was the last movie you watched at home?
I'm not sure, but it would have been on TCM.  Anytime someone is not specifically watching something, it is set to TCM.  The last one I chose was quite a bit ago when I watched, "Batman: Under the Red Hood."

30. What is in your pocket?
The only things I ever carry in my pockets are my phone, my bus ID for disabled fare, and tissues.

31. Who introduced you to your bf/gf/husband/wife?
A mutual friend.  If I still were on speaking terms with the friend, I would not have good things to say to him.

32. Where do you hurt?
This is not a good question for me.  Let's just go with, "my body".

33. Has someone ever made you a build a bear?
Yes, I used to always complain that no one but my mother had ever given me anything for Valentine's Day -- even when I was dating someone.  A friend of mine went out and bought me a knight bear with a rose from B-a-B.  I love that bear.

34. What’s something fun you did today?

I went to see "Cowboys & Aliens" and went to the cheap buffet.

35. What is your favorite aisle at Target?
I don't usually go to Target.  The only reason I choose to go there is to go to the candy aisle for Halloween.  They have all kinds of goodies and doodads.

36. When is your birthday?

37. Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?
I tried to hang some fuzzy dice, a couple strands of beads, and a picture of Andrew Eldritch; but the bus driver kept getting mad.

38. How many states in the US have you been to?
Uuuummmm....  Not counting the states I have flown over, I think, eighteen.

39. What kind of milk do you drink?
Almond, but I don't even drink that.  I tolerate it.  I am not a fan of milk.

40. What are you going to do after this?
Uh...  I have no idea.   Take a drink of my soda?  Wait ... I've already done that.  : /

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Fifteen Movie Questions Memea

1. Movie you love with a passion.
"Howl's Moving Castle"  I still laugh and get all starry eyed when I see it. 

2. Movie you vow to never watch.
"Marley & Me".  I have lost enough pets, I don't need to lose a fictional one.  Whatever happened to movies about dogs that didn't end in them dying? 

3. Movie that literally left you speechless.
"Dark Water" but it wasn't a good thing.  I liked that book so much ...

4. Movie you always recommend.
Hmmm... probably "The Others"

5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie.
There is no one that I *always watch", but the closest I come to that is watching Cillian Murphy. 

6. Actor/actress you don’t get the appeal for.
Brad Pitt.  He always had sleazy, greasy feeling to me.

7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you’d love to meet.
Alan Rickman.  He's very talented, smart, and cultured.  I think, that could be a good time.

8. Sexiest actor/actress you’ve seen. (Picture required!)
Cilliam Murphy.  I guess, that really shows my type, 

9. Dream cast.
Cillian Murphy, Billy Zane (with hair!), Michael Biehn, Jason Isaacs, and some actress....

10. Favorite actor pairing.
Michael Biehn and Sigourney Weaver

11. Favorite movie setting.
A lot of my favorties are filmed either in the UK or in New Zealand. 

12. Favorite decade for movies.
The 1980s, though the 1990s were great too.  Then, they started remaking the movies that I loved from the 80s...

13. Chick flick or action movie?
Action.  I really don't care for most chick flicks.  They're repetitive and are completely centered around a relationship that (in almost all cases), you know is going to succeed, as if it is a "will they or won't they?" way.  Don't insult my intelligence.

14. Hero, villain or anti-hero?
I'm a sucker for a good anti-hero.

15. Black and white or color?
 Black and white can be great, but I prefer color (though I do not my favorite black and whites remade to be color).

I stole this from Sunday Stealing

Friday, July 29, 2011

I stole this from Katharine, who stole it from http://sundaystealing.blogspot.com

1. Your ex's car is on the side of the road, on fire. What do you do?
I stop to help, because I'm always one of those people that stops to help, even when the other person is a jerk. I definitely wouldn't like it though.

2. Your best friend tells you she is pregnant. What is your reaction?
I ponder the concept. How can Bella be pregnant, when she's been spayed?

3. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in the face?
Wow, I don't think I should probably say that. The person does have internet access and my name. Let's avoid extra drama if we can.

4. What is the last thing you spent money on?
The bus trip to get home from the doctor. If you mean for an object, it was a bottle of Gatorade and a box of food for Bella.

5. Do you think you gained or lost weight this past month?
I have no idea, because I've been worry about just about everything else. I would guess that I lost weight though, because I keep having to hike up my shorts.

6. Crunchy or Puffy Cheetos?
I'm not a big fan of either, though I do like the puffy stuff in Pirate Booty.

7. The first person on your friends list just called you a bitch. What do you do?
The first person on my list here would be Katharine. If she called me that, I'd be very hurt and confused, unless I brought it on myself.

8. Congratulations! You just had a son. What’s his name?
Hmmm.... Again, I'd ponder the whole hysterectomy issue, but then, I would probably go with Atticus.

9. Congratulations! You just had a daughter. What’s her name?
I already have a daughter named Isabella, so I'd name my next one Marianne. 

10. What are you craving right now?
I don't know, money to get a good bed and a decent roof over my head?  Other than that, probably tacos.  

11. What was the last thing you cried about?
Realizing that this confusion thing going on had caused me to get on the wrong bus that went in the complete opposite side of town from where I needed and thinking I wouldn't have time to get back in time to get my prescription.  It kind of worked out in the end.  This is getting depressing. 

12. When you buy something and your change is 2 cents, do you keep it or tell the cashier to keep it?
I just take my change.  I never really knew you were supposed to do otherwise. 

13. What color is your tissue box?
I don't have one.  :(  I only have those cheap ones that come in the clear paper packets.

14. Do you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom, and if so, is there dust on that fan?
No, and I don't have any dust on my ceiling either. 

15. What was the last voicemail you received about?
:: sigh ::  It was a reminder to get my blood work done. 

16. Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook?
No, but I did delete someone once, after he started throwing a little Facebook fit at me, when I had only known him for about 24 hours.  I have heard a bit of kvetching about it, but I stand by my decision.  Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't bad when I did it.  I just had this feeling like, I either had to delete him or throw some cold water on him to get him to calm down. 

17. Scariest thing you’ve experienced in the last year?
Everything that I had in my life falling apart?  I told you, this is just depressing. 

18. Do you wear a name tag at work?
When I was working, I only had to wear a name tag at two jobs -- as an optech and as a portrait photographer (which works really well when little kids yanked on it unexpectedly.  Sure, we aren't allowed to wear heels, because the kids might dive under our feet and get hurt, but we can give them a colored thing with a pin on it to grab. 

19. What kind of car do you want?
The kind with a comfortable passenger seat and a driver.  Yes, I definitely need a driver.

20. What do you order when you go to Burger King?
I am not a big fan of Burger King.  Their fries are Ok, and they have decent milkshakes.  Every once in a while, when I need to get food and am near one, I get a Jr. Cheese Burger.  That's about it.  

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Insomnia means you get another survey.

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
 "Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, Pt. 2", but I hope to see "Cowboys and Aliens" this coming week.

2. What book are you reading?
 "Antidepressant" by Clark Kline.  I'm really enjoying it so far, but I'm going to have to get a magnifying glass to read more.    

3. Favorite board game?


4. Favorite magazine?

"Writer's Digest" 

5. Favorite smells?

6. Favorite sounds?
Rain falling, thunder, and Andrew Eldritch

7. Worst feeling in the world?
Feeling like you can't trust your own mind, thoughts, or the way you are seeing the world. 

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Sadly, "Which medication is it time for?"

9. Favorite fast food place? 
Within range of me, Chick-fil-a.  Anywhere, Bo Jangles.

10. What’s under your bed?
The floor.  I put the box spring on the floor, because it is getting rickety, and I was afraid that Bella would crawl under it and it falling on her. 

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….?
If I had a lot of money, I would do a lot of things; including getting my teeth fixed, buying a home for my family, taking Bella to classes for advanced training (the kind where they get to learn cool tricks), hiring a driver, touring Europe, and going to Japan.  It may seem like a lot, but it is a lot of money...

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
 Most of the time, but right now, it is where I don't have access to it.  It is a black cat that I got when my black cat, Puddly, died.  

13. Storms – cool or scary?
Uuuugh...  Is that a trick question?  :: points up at #6 ::

14. Favorite drink?
Alcoholic:  Margaritas  Non-alcoholic:  Coca-Cola -- not the caffeine free I have to drink though.

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”?
 Is that another trick question?  I have nothing but time.  

16. If you had to dye your hair another color, what would be your choice?
Royal purple. 

17. Favorite place to relax?
 In a hot bath

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in?
This place, that other place, the place before that ...  That sounds like one of those identity theft questions. 

19. Favorite sports to watch?
Women's gymnastics. 

20. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Listen closely, "I would rather rip my heart right out of my rib cage with my bare hands and then throw it on the floor and stomp on it, 'til I die."  And if you try to make me, that's just what I will do.

I stole this from Sunday Stealing:  http://sundaystealing.blogspot.com/

My not feeling well is your getting a pointless survey.

1. If the moon were to be mistaken for a celebrity, who would it be?

Morey Amsterdam!  Yeah, I have no idea, but it would be cool if it did look like him.

2. What's a ghost to you?

I do believe in ghosts, and I think, they are two types.  First, I think, there are some cases where a soul is trapped on Earth (for what is likely a myriad of reasons), sometimes being in contact with the living world, sometimes not.  

Second, is what I believe to be the more common type -- psychic impressions.  These are the type that don't interact with the living world but just exist.  This includes ghosts who speak to people, touch them, move objects, etc.  It is caused when something occurs that causes a deep emotional reaction in the people in the area (e.g. a war, murder, etc.) or is so repetitive that it wears a track in the area (like a groove on a record.  This includes hearing the movement of an elderly lady who lived in a house for sixty years or listening to the boot falls circle your house, from the soldier that spent years walking the same patrol in the area.

3. If you had to do anything with your sworn enemy, what would it be?

I don't have a sworn enemy.  :(  I wish I had one.   If I could do anything, I'd have a big, city destroying slug fight with mutual super powers.  I call the ability to pull out my bones as weapons and flicking explosive blood!  They can be like Aquaman...

4. Oh no, Marge Simpson got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say to the aliens to get her back?

Can you really imagine listening to that voice for years?  If you're Ok with it, ask her to sing for you, and then get back to me. 

5. Have you ever had lunch together with your neighbor?

No, I've actually never done anything with my neighbors.  Before our health and neighborhood went to pot, I used to like to hang out in the back yard with the dogs; and I'd talk a lot to my neighbors.  I miss that.  The only thing even close to that is looking in on the neighbor's dog when they're out of town.

6. If you had to pick your own personal theme song, what would it be?

 It's a decent day, so I'll go with, "I'm Alive" by Becca. 

7. Describe what's sexy to you.

Andrew Eldritch.  Next!

Ha, no, really,  I am not big on guy's appearance; but decent style and taking care of himself (liking bathing, styling his hair, etc.) does win brownie points.  What do I find sexy?  Intelligence, kindness, caring, wit, a good sense of humor (but knows what is inappropriate to joke about), and things like that.  I love those modern knights in shining armor that want to sweep in and take care of you but are just as happy watching you seeing you take care of yourself.  Ah, why can't I find that guy...or Andrew Eldritch...

8. A vampire suddenly knows all your secrets. What do you do?

Make him my best friend.   If he knows all of that and hasn't killed me yet, he's the best friend I'll ever have. 

9. If had to have a role in a movie, what kind of character would you prefer to play?

I want to be that vigilante that is originally the villain but eventually shows the heroes that his way, though extreme, is what they really need.  

10. You have to read a coworker's (or friends) very personal diary. You pick the person. Who is it and why?

I don't know... I don't really think I would want to read anyone's diary.  I am afraid that I would find out something about them that would make me no longer want to be around them.  

I picked this up from Sunday Stealing:  http://sundaystealing.blogspot.com/